4 Tips on Preparing to Move to Japan

May 29th, 2013By Category: Uncategorized


Summer is almost upon us, and with that, means a new crop of foreigners coming over to Japan in order to work or study.

Some may be arriving on the JET Program or with a private dispatch company to work as ALTs in Japanese schools. Others might be coming over to work in English conversation classes. And some may simply be foreign exchange students or are working in another field. Whatever your reasons for coming to Japan, preparations can be nerve-wracking, and here so here are four tips to help you out.

The days and weeks leading up to my departure for Japan were fraught with numerous expectations, preparations, and fears. I was a person who had never lived more than an hour away from my family and close friends, and now I was on the verge of embarking on a journey that would take me to the other side of a world, to a country where I knew no one, and whose local language I had very little knowledge of. The future was completely wide open, I didn’t know if I would stay a year or more or if I would try to make Japan a permanent home.

Be Prepared

If you have a predecessor you’re in contact with, make sure to understand what sort of area you’re going to. I was heading to southern Kyushu, and according to web searches, that was a pretty warm place to be. The temperature never gets below 30-40ºF, and coming from Chicago, where several inches of snow is considered a light dusting, I figured this would be great. Who needs winter clothes suited for below-zero temperatures?

Those are what we call “famous last words.” Yes, it’s much warmer in Kyushu compared to Chicago, but what I didn’t count on was that my apartment would have some of the thinnest walls imaginable, and it’s common for schools to keep the windows open during winter without any heat. I went about a week before I frantically ran to the store looking for warmer clothing.

Figure out the things you will need with you right away and have a plan for stuff you’ll need later, either getting it shipped by friends or family, or buying it in Japan. Know where you’re going and ask around to see what people can tell you about the area and what’s available. Even if you’re average-sized in your home country, you might still find clothes shopping to be difficult in Japan. Especially when it comes to shoes.

Thanks to the Internet, it’s a lot easier to get clothing in your size no matter where in Japan you are, but you may not have Internet access at first. There are some people who are lucky enough to have Internet access right away, but there are others who may have to wait a month or more before their Internet service is operational. And sometimes, there may not be a nearby Internet cafe you can go to.

Preparation also extends to money. If you’re going to the countryside, your living expenses will be substantially less than in a big city, but you also might have to worry about buying a car. In which case, make sure you get your international driver’s license before you leave. Even if you don’t think you’ll need it, it’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.

I didn’t have one when I first arrived, as my workplace wouldn’t allow me to drive during work hours, but I didn’t count on how remote my location was, and a car quickly became a necessity for after-hours. So get your IDL, especially if you’ll be placed in a rural area.

In Japan, salaries are typically paid once a month, as opposed to once every two weeks in other countries. Plan to have enough money set aside to last you not only for the initial expenses, such as key money, rent, phone, etc., but also for the first month or so in general. Somewhere in the vicinity of $2000 ~ $3000 should be sufficient for most, but again, that depends on your area.

Also, and I cannot stress this enough, bring photographs. And I don’t mean bring them over on your hard drive, I mean print them out and bring them with you. Then pin them up all around your apartment. This may sound sappy, but those first few weeks and possibly even months can easily become extremely lonely, and you’ll want pleasant reminders of friends and family around you. Especially if you’re not sure how soon you’ll have Internet access to be able to communicate with them again.

Manage Your Expectations

When I first arrived in Tokyo, I was excited. I was blown away by everything. Then I arrived in my new home, and I felt like I’d just been dropped in the middle of nowhere. My town was extremely small, I was the only foreigner around, and I knew absolutely no one. That first night, being left in my new apartment in an unfamiliar town and an unfamiliar country, completely alien from everything I’d ever known, was one of the most terrifying moments of my life.

Within a week, I was convinced I’d only stay one year and then I’d gleefully run back to the States. There’s a saying: If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. So keep things in perspective. If you’re planning to relocate to Japan permanently, realize that there’s a chance that plan will change.

I’ve known people who came over with the intention of only staying one year and turned into lifers, and others who intended to stay permanently and ended up returning home. If you’re expecting to learn the language within a short time, understand that even when you’re living in Japan, learning Japanese still takes a great deal of time and commitment.

Also on that front, be careful with your money. As a JET living in the boonies, my salary was more than adequate to handle my expenses, especially since I had no debts to pay off, but going out to the local izakaya and going to karaoke nomihodai (all-you-can-drink) adds up very quickly.

This also goes to managing your expectations. Sure, that big-screen HDTV would be awesome for watching movies and playing video games, and yeah you can afford it quite easily, but unless you’ve got some indication of a permanent home, maybe you should go for the smaller one that you can easily sell or get rid of without too much stress in the event that you have to leave.

And please be wary of the Internet. I love it, I’ve made some very good friends through it, and it’s helped me reach a larger audience with my writing. But as Obi-Wan said, “you’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” There is some very valuable information out there about the programs and companies that operate in Japan. But there is also a lot of hyperbole. Don’t dismiss all criticism of your future employer as nonsense, but don’t take it as gospel truth, either.

It’s Not All About You

You’re off on your own, you’re on an adventure, and everything is exciting and new, but remember that there are still people back home who miss you and love you, and they might feel like you’re moving on without them. That can be a hard thing to deal with. By all means, tell your friends and family back home about your experiences, but also realize that it can be painful for them and be sure to ask them how they’re doing. Yes, you’re having a great time and your loved ones want you to enjoy yourself, but they also have to adjust to life without you around.

If you’re constantly talking about how amazing Japan is and how you never want to leave, that can be hurtful. You don’t mean it to be, but for those people you left behind, it can feel like you don’t need them anymore. Or that you don’t want to be around them. So just be careful about that and try to look at it from that perspective. Otherwise, you might inadvertently end up with some cross-continental arguments, and that’s not fun for anybody.

Before you leave, say your goodbyes. Make time for everyone you want to see, even if you have to schedule something three months in advance of your departure.

Strike The Right Balance

There are people who get trapped in what’s known as the “gaijin bubble.” They don’t bother with anything but the most essentially basic Japanese, never try anything new or different, tend to stick to foods and activities they feel are safe, and all their friends are fellow expats or the occasional Japanese person who has lived abroad. In extreme cases, they just sit at home most of the time, watching movies and TV shows from their native country, and count the days until they can leave Japan. You’re in the middle of a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but you’re not doing yourself any favors if you don’t allow that experience to happen!

But, while we’re on that subject, you can go too far in the opposite direction. There are some foreigners who, once they get to Japan, adopt an attitude of, “I’m going to do everything Japanese. I don’t want to even see another foreigner. I only want to hang out with Japanese people, I only want to watch Japanese TV shows, I only want to eat Japanese food.” And that’s also the wrong attitude to have. Living in a completely different country and culture can be very stressful. Sometimes it’s good to treat yourself to a burger or a pizza or to hang out with other expats and vent about things that are bothering you.

You’re caught between two cultures right now. Balance it out however you can, but try not to go too far in one direction or the other, because that can quickly leave you feeling alienated and lonely. Japan can be an amazing place to live. But it can also be amazingly frustrating. It’s up to you to make the most of your time here, be it one year or the rest of your life.

Author of this article

Percival Constantine

Several years ago, Percival Constantine traded the frigid winters and skyscrapers
of Chicago for the typhoon seasons and volcanic eruptions of Kagoshima.
He is the Pulp Ark Award-nominated author of several books in the New Pulp
movement, including The Myth Hunter and Love & Bullets, as well as an editor
and English teacher. More information about his work can be found at his website,
percivalconstantine.wordpress.com. Also be sure to follow him on Facebook
(facebook.com/percivalconstantine) and Twitter (@perconstantine).

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  • Elton says:

    Great article! I’m making the huge move with my boyfriend next month! We are both signed up to take Japanese classes in Yoshida Institute, in Shinjuku, Tokyo. We really don’t know how long we’re going to stay! I’ve already quit my job, which was a hard thing to do, especially since I don’t have a job lined up in Japan. But that’s what an adventure is, I guess!

  • PBK says:

    that was a great article

  • Perry Constantine says:

    Unfortunately I’m not the person to ask about that. When I arrived in Japan on the JET Program, my predecessor’s apartment already had an Internet connection set up, and my bosses were able to arrange for the billing to just be switched over to me, so I didn’t miss a day of connection. But it varies. Some people I know had to wait as long as three months before they got their Internet set up, although this was in more rural areas.

  • leslie nguyen says:

    Oh the weather adjusting haha since I don’t like the cold. Shoes, yes I shall take mine since I got big feet. Internet access seems like a must. Driving in another country? Oh boy, I don’t even like to drive in my hometown heh. Monthly vs. bi-weekly payment? Camera-ready ha! Don’t forget your roots people. Unless otherwise. Balance it out? I like that!!! Appreciating this article ~

  • Ronald Ivan says:

    Great article! I’m planning to make my big move there in a few years. Good reality check for me to keep it real.

    You mentioned internet being a problem. Any chance you’ll be giving helpful tips on getting internet and/or communication service there?

  • Perry Constantine says:

    As Chad said, it depends on where you are. If you’re in a large urban area, you can get away without knowing much Japanese and there are many people who do get on that way. But if you’re in smaller or rural areas, Japanese becomes much more crucial, especially if you don’t have anyone to help you out.

    When it comes to restaurants, bars, and the like, you can get by fine. But when it comes to official forms, those will almost always be in Japanese, and it can be difficult to always rely on others to help you. If you’ve got an employer or a spouse or friend who will help you, great. But just be aware that as long as your Japanese isn’t good enough to understand those things, you’ll always need to rely on those people. That’s fine for a short-term stay, but if you’re thinking long-term, aim to learn as much as you can.

  • Perry Constantine says:

    Thanks for the clarification about the IDL. I wasn’t aware it isn’t true for everyone.

  • Chad Cerda says:

    I tried learning while there. If you end up in a metro area, no one will let you speak Japanese. But, my friends who were outside cities said it was critical to get about a traveling skill level; meaning, you need to be able to work out utilities and other basic services at the post office, etc.

    Sadly, the most I really needed was in a restaurant and bar. Even then, in the heart of Osaka and Kyoto, everything had pictures.

  • KageMao says:

    I totaly agree. While not in Japan, I lived for Taiwan for nine years and met many foreigners exactly the same – only hung out with other foreigners and could barely speak a word of Chinese despite being there for so long. I was somewhat lucky, my wife (Taiwanese) introduced me to some of her old classmates and we got along really well despite the language barrier at the start – and now that I can speak fluent Chinese, that friendship is even stronger. I’ve moved back home since, but boy do I miss it. (Also visited Japan several times and LOVED it)

  • Spoonbread says:

    how much Japanese should one know? what level ( testing level) of proficiency should one
    have ( besides complete fluency) ?

  • zoomingjapan says:

    Be careful with the international driver’s license! This isn’t true for everybody! It depends on your nationality actually!
    I’m from Germany and I wouldn’t be allowed to drive in Japan with an internationl driver’s license. Some people need a translation of their original driver’s license instead!

    And having a plan really doesn’t mean anything. I agree with you!
    I also intended to only stay for one year. I’m here in my 6th year now … that’s life!

    I don’t understand people who come to Japan to learn something about a different culture and then only hang around with other foreigners. I’ve met so many people who have been in Japan for a decade but still can’t speak a single word of Japanese (or only a few basics). I just don’t get it!
    I understand that you might feel lonely and sometimes you just want to hang around people that might be more like you, but especially in the beginning people should enjoy the differences and immerse themselves as much as they can.

    Thanks a lot for this interesting article! 🙂
